Advanced Adult Drills (NTRP 4.5+)

(Pre-requisite: Adult Director Approval Needed)

A variety of high-octane drills conducted by USPTA-certified tennis professionals are specifically geared for players that have dependable strokes with directional control. Fast-paced drills are excellent for 4.5 league and tournament players wanting to hit many balls. 

Day Time Cost
Monday 7:30pm-9:00pm $26
Wednesday 6:00pm-7:30pm $26

*Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the drill to qualify for a refund, unless missed due to a medical reason in which a doctor's note must be provided.

*Any refund due will be given as a credit to your Oak Creek account. Refunds back to credit cards include a $5 processing fee.

*Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to secure your spot. 

*If a drill consists of only 3 players, the drill may be shortened to 1 hour. 

*If there are not enough registered to hold the drill, cancellation will be 2 hours before the drill starts. 

*All players must check in at the tennis center front desk before going out to the courts